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Article created: 11/5/2023

German Shepherd Puppy Keeps Biting

  • So when you first bring your pup home at 8-weeks old, he will usually have all of his 28 razors that are ready to sink into your hand! When the pup is between 3 to 4 months old, his teeth will start to loosen and fall out, and you may find them on the floor
  • At this time, they should have all their adult teeth, which means no more teething to worry about
  • Loose, hanging clothing can be appealing to your puppy, and provide something easy to grip on with their sharp teeth
  • But, all that cuteness quickly disappears when the biting phase starts
  • After running around and playing with her, if I walk back inside the house, but she wants to carry on playing, she will come up behind me and gently nibble at the back of my ankles
  • German Shepherd Puppy Keeps Biting You can also try frozen vegetables such as carrots, but remember to supervise your young puppy when feeding treats You may need to go as far as to completely separate your GSD puppy from small children and people who insist on rough play with puppies There are three reasons that German Shepherds bite, and this does not include being trained to do so during law enforcement training! German Shepherds bite and nip during the natural teething phase What you really want to know is, when will it stop? However, you can minimize the period by making a few easy changes to your behavior when biting occurs Another is to reward them for calm behavior around the house Another is to reward them for calm behavior around the house. For a positive punishment to work, the problem is that it has to be administered during or immediately after the act within 2 -3 seconds ; otherwise, the dog will not make the connection No matter what you are teaching your German Shepherd, try to train him when young; 8 weeks old is a great time to start This way they learn that acting calmly and letting you touch them without biting will earn them good things! One popular method to stop puppy biting is to squeal, squeak, growl, or make another loud noise Addressing the problem early and consistently is vital So, get on it early and often, and stick with it! Because with just a little work and dedication you can get your German Shepherd puppy to stop biting in no time German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Puppies For Sale Washington So, get on it early and often, and stick with it! Because with just a little work and dedication you can get your German Shepherd puppy to stop biting in no time. This stage often starts at around 3 or 4 months of age — only a few weeks after your puppy will arrive at their new home .

    Discipline at the Moment Your GSD Bites You must discipline your German Shepherd at the very moment the biting or nipping occurs so that he will quickly learn and remember that his biting behavior is inappropriate They may chase small children or other animals — particularly those that are making lots of noise A great way to do this is to grab their collar, push their bum down, and make them sit Although the history of the breed has changed over time, from herding to working dog, their origins remain the same Although the history of the breed has changed over time, from herding to working dog, their origins remain the same. While a muzzle can prevent your dog from biting, it is not a solution to the underlying behavior issue Related Posts You May Like: The more this is repeated, they will remember and do it more often When the puppy makes the right choice and starts to bite on his chew toy, he hears the click and gets his treat Owners should use positive reinforcement methods as much as possible German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Lexington Ky Owners should use positive reinforcement methods as much as possible. The biggest fear for most German Shepherd puppy owners is that their puppy is aggressive when it bites You can achieve this by using the distraction technique described above Is it ever too late to discipline a German Shepherd for biting? It is never too late to discipline a German Shepherd for biting, but it may take more time and effort to modify their behavior if the biting has become a habit .

    Low impact activities and free-running off-leash running are best Continue with steps one through three Continue with steps one through three. Boredom or Getting Attention Bored puppies may learn that biting gets some fun responses from you! Just like barking can They will be able to look at your puppy as an individual case, and analyse their behavior properly Remember to be firm but fair German Shepherds can get their needle-sharp baby teeth from as early as 2- weeks old and usually have them all by weeks 6 to 7 Some people claim that this method replicates natural puppy play and tells your GSD when they are being too rough German Shepherd Puppies Rescue Ct Some people claim that this method replicates natural puppy play and tells your GSD when they are being too rough. When your dog jumps on you to bite your hands or ankles, look around for a Kong to give to them to bite on Biting and chewing is a normal puppy behavior, and a normal part of play Be fair and understanding Hide these toys in a basket or box after your game of play Again, timing is important, and this must be done instantly so that your German Shepherd will recognize or associate his behavior with the correct action Again, timing is important, and this must be done instantly so that your German Shepherd will recognize or associate his behavior with the correct action. That could end in disaster for all concerned German Shepherd Herding Instinct German Shepherds were initially bred to herd sheep — the clue is in their name! They were selectively bred as working dogs in the late s, having outstanding traits such as strength, loyalty, bravery, dedication, and intelligence Punishing your puppy for biting can lead to distrust and fear from your puppy However, they will probably swallow most Encourage calm play between your family members or friends and your puppy German Shepherd Puppy Ears Stand Up Encourage calm play between your family members or friends and your puppy. Do not yell or physically punish your dog and never use the crate as a punishment

    So when you first bring your pup home at 8-weeks old, he will usually have all of his 28 razors that are ready to sink into your hand! When the pup is between 3 to 4 months old, his teeth will start to loosen and fall out, and you may find them on the floor


    So when you first bring your pup home at 8-weeks old, he will usually have all of his 28 razors that are ready to sink into your hand! When the pup is between 3 to 4 months old, his teeth will start to loosen and fall out, and you may find them on the floor

     So when you first bring your pup home at 8-weeks old, he will usually have all of his 28 razors that are ready to sink into your hand! When the pup is between 3 to 4 months old, his teeth will start to loosen and fall out, and you may find them on the floor

    Responding to Rough Play Some people like to play with German Shepherd puppies in quite a rough manner Be firm but fair, which also helps to strengthen the loving bond between you and your dog Be firm but fair, which also helps to strengthen the loving bond between you and your dog. If your puppy is biting or chewing because of teething, you may notice other symptoms like drooling, irritability, and going off their food Keep moving slowly until your dog also slows down German Shepherds are herding dogs, and as such, they love to go after anything that moves If this is the case, making a noise when your puppy bites will act as a reward, and encourage your German Shepherd puppy to bite you even more Use toys to provide your dog a way they can bite to release their energy… Without nipping you! And this game is great because it teaches your dog a necessary life skill The Best Way To Train A German Shepherd Puppy Use toys to provide your dog a way they can bite to release their energy… Without nipping you! And this game is great because it teaches your dog a necessary life skill. Muzzling your German Shepherd without addressing the root cause of their biting can lead to further behavioral problems and may even make the situation worse They are under your control and your dog must give them back to you An even more recent study in companion dogs suggests that using even mild punishments like yelling and leash-jerking can stress dogs out more than dogs taught using reward-based training The idea here is that you are mimicking a littermate, as a pup would yelp if a sibling bit it too hard during play, and then all the fun would stop Behaviors like this can make puppies very excitable, and encourage biting during play Behaviors like this can make puppies very excitable, and encourage biting during play. You could also make a YIP sound instead, just like their little brother and sisters would make a yipping noise when playing too rough Punishment Methods The best methods to stop your puppy from biting involve positive rewards for the behaviors you want The positive reward methods we discussed earlier in this guide are the best way to teach your puppy bite inhibition .

    The link above will also easily explain how to teach over ten commands! The point of the Rev Up and Cool Down game is to teach them to settle and stay calm without nipping and biting you In fact, they apply to all puppies of any breed Belgian Malinois Cross German Shepherd Puppy In fact, they apply to all puppies of any breed. Let Out a High Pitched Yelp! At the same time, pull your hand away slowly and move away from your dog For example: When your dog nips you, find their teething toy to bite instead Use the items during busy times in your home to keep your dog calm and out of areas that might increase their excitement and biting and nipping you Just like babies need something to chew on when their new teeth are coming in, your German Shepherd needs something too! First, it stops when they get their adult teeth The creator of the breed, Captain Max von Stephanitz, bred the German Shepherd in an attempt to create the ultimate all-round herding breed The creator of the breed, Captain Max von Stephanitz, bred the German Shepherd in an attempt to create the ultimate all-round herding breed. Other good alternatives are rope toys , such as this handy puppy selection from Amazon Use appropriate, puppy-safe toys instead of play sessions Stop roughhousing with your dog before it frustrates them Instead, get them a few chew toys, bones, and other acceptable things to chew on as they teethe At this time, they should have all their adult teeth, which means no more teething to worry about German Shepherd Puppies Ann Arbor At this time, they should have all their adult teeth, which means no more teething to worry about. .

    At this time, they should have all their adult teeth, which means no more teething to worry about

     At this time, they should have all their adult teeth, which means no more teething to worry about

    You can hold a chew for your puppy to keep their attention and mouth distracted whilst someone pets them! Often, puppy owners only think about biting whilst their puppy is actively gnawing on them This means training your puppy to be gentle with you and other people, and taking away opportunities for your excited puppy to bite humans For your pup to either keep up with the play or stop you from too rough play, they may bite you! From day one, avoid play that involves mouthing or teeth on the skin In the case of puppy biting, we are simply rewarding the puppy for choosing not to bite And make sure to reward any calm behavior — including when your puppy lets you pet it without biting And make sure to reward any calm behavior — including when your puppy lets you pet it without biting. The same study found that punishing techniques and dominance-based training, such as hitting or kicking, growling, or yelling at your dog, can cause aggression, as stated by Meghan E Sometimes puppies naturally get over-excited and overtired When in doubt of what special toy your dog likes, choose from this specially-curated list of what toys German Shepherds love for interactive toy ideas to keep your dog entertained Again, this only confuses your dog

    And, they may do this partly with their mouths

    German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Palm Springs Ca And, they may do this partly with their mouths. You must time the click at the exact moment your pet is doing what you want to reinforce The more they get away with it, the more acceptable the behavior seems in the future If this behavior continues into adulthood, the biting can be more problematic And, if your puppy is biting hard enough to injure you, they may not have learnt proper bite inhibition yet So are behaviors like snarling and growling So are behaviors like snarling and growling. A Shepherd is a joy to own when given the direction they desire and the commitment they need German Shepherd puppies , like all puppies, go through a teething phase, and their biting behavior can continue until they are around 4 to 6 months old when their adult teeth have fully grown in If your dog gets too worked up and then bites, then teach them this Rev Up and Cool Down game Puppies bite while they learn their bite inhibition and acceptable social behavior that their mother initially taught them Final Thoughts Puppy biting is natural in all dogs How To Buy German Shepherd Puppy Final Thoughts Puppy biting is natural in all dogs. .

    This can include pushing them, or rolling them over You can use tools like baby gates to keep your German Shepherd in a puppy-safe room I used to think it was kind of cute until her teeth got bigger and sharper! Even now, as an adult, her strong herding instinct still surfaces If you quickly reward your dog with a positive experience such as a treat, he will soon learn to associate the noise of the click with great things You may also stress out your GSD by engaging them rough of play You may also stress out your GSD by engaging them rough of play. In fact, it could have a number of causes The reward is a reinforcing motivation Plus, chewing has been shown to help relax and calm dogs Say OUCH! When your pup bites you, say OUCH firmly If and when they start chewing on the toy or other appropriate object, give them praise Golden Sable German Shepherd Puppies If and when they start chewing on the toy or other appropriate object, give them praise. Teething One reason why puppies of all breeds may bite is teething This way, your pup can bite the toy instead of your fingers, hands, or arms .

    So, be sure to have them nearby! Use Daily Leadership Skills How many times a day do you teach your German Shepherd to listen to you and offer them leadership? Use daily interactions as an effective way of teaching your dog about leadership After a few running steps and before your pup gets too excited, stop running and walk slowly If you feel sorry for your German Shepherd after disciplining him, you must never reward him out of guilt If you feel sorry for your German Shepherd after disciplining him, you must never reward him out of guilt. We know that this can only encourage biting This simple technique catches the attention of many puppies when done correctly and can train a German Shepherd puppy to not bite you Pups are also still learning from their siblings at this young age Only use pet-safe partition gates that are high enough to prevent and discourage your German Shepherd from jumping over to continue to try and bite you This is the process where your puppy learns to be gentle with his teeth on your skin Traditional German Shepherd Puppies This is the process where your puppy learns to be gentle with his teeth on your skin. One method is to reward them with treats when you are petting them and they are not biting you It leads to fear, avoidance, hurt feelings, guilt, stress, anxiety, and lack of trust If they continue to bite and nip, say OUCH again and then get up immediately and leave the room for a few moments For very young puppies, you should only put them in time-out for a few seconds, between 7 and 10, and no longer than 30 seconds

    The idea is that your German Shepherd will quickly learn to associate that the fun stops when his nipping starts! As always, timing is critical, so your pup learns what he has done wrong at the precise moment

    The idea is that your German Shepherd will quickly learn to associate that the fun stops when his nipping starts! As always, timing is critical, so your pup learns what he has done wrong at the precise moment. And German Shepherds crave it! An overfed dog that is under-exercised may display destructive behaviors because of boredom and lack of energy needs being met The idea is that you condition your German Shepherd so that when he hears the sound of the clicker, he knows he has done something to please you Therefore, you should have levels of concern But how do you get German Shepherd puppies to stop biting, and when should you seek out more help? We dive into everything that you need to know here
    Puppies bite while they learn their bite inhibition and acceptable social behavior that their mother initially taught them Alpha rolling is a controversial and outdated technique that physically puts your dog on his back or side in a submissive position to show that you are dominant or the Alpha
    They also quickly learn that the fun and play stops if they bite their littermates too hard Many people will have used this method decades ago without success, but at the time, they believed it was the right thing to do
    Puppy biting is normal in all breeds, including the German Shepherd No matter what you are teaching your German Shepherd, try to train him when young; 8 weeks old is a great time to start
    You must time the click at the exact moment your pet is doing what you want to reinforce German Shepherd Herding Instinct German Shepherds were initially bred to herd sheep — the clue is in their name! They were selectively bred as working dogs in the late s, having outstanding traits such as strength, loyalty, bravery, dedication, and intelligence
    They also bite due to their innate herding instinct and strong prey drive So, when do German Shepherd puppies stop biting? Puppy teething is harsh but usually ends between 6 — 8 months old when the pup should have all their 42 adult teeth
    Luckily, it only takes a few months for your puppy to have their full set of adult teeth Second, if you try to redirect them to something that they can chew on, most German Shepherd puppies are receptive
    This is not only great for chewing but also for playing chase and fetch They want to bite, nibble, and chew everything in sight, and that could be your hand, ankles, or even your wooden furniture
    You will, no doubt, soon get to learn where your dog prefers to be pet Even better, have a set of toys that are only used when you want to engage in play with your puppy
    In fact — your puppy will learn that biting during play or cuddles only results in you leaving, and them ending up on their own! Not only will this help to show your puppy that biting is not an acceptable part of playtime, but it can also help your own sanity to remove yourself from those sharp teeth occasionally When this happens, instead of using the crate as a punishment, lure him into the crate with a treat offering lots of praise and letting him go down for a nap
    German Shepherd Herding Instinct German Shepherds were initially bred to herd sheep — the clue is in their name! They were selectively bred as working dogs in the late s, having outstanding traits such as strength, loyalty, bravery, dedication, and intelligence In the case of puppy biting, we are simply rewarding the puppy for choosing not to bite
    This stress causes negative consequences and poorer welfare German Shepherd Puppy With Dwarfism For Sale Choose from a list of fun and gentle, age-appropriate German Shepherd puppy exercises to keep your pup healthy and better behaved .

    Our dogs love our attention German Shepherds love to please their owners, so this is typically an effective way to train your puppy Take back control of their behavior using these quick and easy solutions to stop German Shepherd biting that actually works Remove yourself calmly and quietly whenever your puppy bites This is similar to the method above, if used alone This will only encourage them to continue their unwanted behavior German Shepherd puppy biting can be accompanied by ferocious growls or snarls Start by using lots of communication, including voice commands in a cheerful tone , hand signals, and body language, and let your dog know from the outset that biting hurts When this happens, instead of using the crate as a punishment, lure him into the crate with a treat offering lots of praise and letting him go down for a nap Even better, have a set of toys that are only used when you want to engage in play with your puppy In the above example of redirecting your GSDs biting to a chew toy, once he accepts the toy and starts to chew or play with it, you then offer lots of enthusiastic verbal praise and reward with a treat But all pups will go through a phase of having an overwhelming desire to bite and nip, and this occurs during teething This means they can remember experiences, people, and places based on different associations Use Puppy-Safe Partition Gates Only use pet-safe partition gates that are high enough to prevent your German Shepherd from jumping over If your puppy knows any of these basic German Shepherd commands , incorporate those commands to make the training more interesting and fun This old-fashioned technique is a form of positive punishment and was often used to house-train pups They want to bite, nibble, and chew everything in sight, and that could be your hand, ankles, or even your wooden furniture Do Adult German Shepherds Bite? The German Shepherd breed is known for being aggressive in some circumstances — they make popular guard dogs, and are number one candidates for working dog roles in the police and military Loose, hanging clothing can be appealing to your puppy, and provide something easy to grip on with their sharp teeth .

    Loose, hanging clothing can be appealing to your puppy, and provide something easy to grip on with their sharp teeth

     Loose, hanging clothing can be appealing to your puppy, and provide something easy to grip on with their sharp teeth

    This is because dogs have a very short-term memory , and they will typically forget an experience in about two minutes No biting — only mouthing! Your German Shepherd needs to continue to learn his bite inhibition when you first bring him home so that he is always gentle, even when playing Wear tight fitting clothing to minimize the number of things your puppy can bite at When you first notice your puppy licking your hand instead of biting, you are definitely on the right track Read below for the easy-to-follow directions If your pup bites you aggressively when you and your family walk past you, then use an exercise pen or this German Shepherd-sized pet safe partition gate to contain them So, when do German Shepherd puppies stop biting? Puppy teething is harsh but usually ends between 6 — 8 months old when the pup should have all their 42 adult teeth This is also useful when your German Shepherd starts to put his mouth around your possessions or furniture, ready to have a good gnaw! Using a time-out can effectively discipline a German Shepherd for biting and other undesirable behaviors And, these herding behaviors can include nipping at heels Natural Play Biting is a natural part of puppy play — as much as some owners might not want to hear it! German Shepherd puppies, just like any other breed, will bite whilst they are playing with you or with other dogs But at least you know the root of the problem and can start implementing the necessary strategies to address it However, you now know the importance of disciplining your German Shepherd as soon as he starts to exhibit biting, nipping, and chewing behavior and how to do it .

    Ignore them altogether

    This is why training has to be done in small stages — first you must teach the puppy what action you want, and then you can give the action a name, or command

    The best ways to stop puppy biting and minimize the biting period are training and prevention The causes of puppy biting that we looked at earlier in this guide apply to all GSD puppies Make sure you properly socialize him and give him lots of exercise and training will be much easier Look out for other symptoms such as drooling more than usual, bad breath, loss of appetite, or sneezing If they are still chewing and nipping at the 9-month mark, you should seek obedience training or talk to a vet to see what you can do Give them a Kong to gnaw on and bring icy relief to their gums Have them sit before you take them for a walk or exiting a door Once again, your behavior can minimize biting from this cause KONG is my favorite brand of dog toys If you already own a German Shepherd, you will have no doubt experienced nibbling or biting, especially at the expense of your ankles! GSD bite and nip ankles due to their natural herding instinct and strong prey drive You may return to play but keep repeating this simple process until they learn to keep their teeth on their toys You can give other rewards, but these may be more suited to older pups, adolescent dogs, or adults Stay and play! So, how do you discipline a German Shepherd for biting? To discipline a German Shepherd for biting, redirect the biting and nipping by distracting your dog and give an exciting chew toy instead Get up off the couch and go outside for a walk and sniff party Redirections are actions that keep your pup from engaging in unwanted behavior by showing them appropriate behavior Studies on dog training and behavior have shown that punishment based methods are often associated with an increase of problematic behaviors You need to keep your pup exercised, mentally stimulated, and show them what calming behavior is Alternatives could be giving them a special toy, playing their favorite game, such as fetch, or taking them on their favorite walk .

    Go here for more guidance on where to pet your German Shepherd This was all the way back in the late s As soon as you anticipate your German Shepherd will bite or even if you slightly miss the moment of the nip or chew, quickly distract him and redirect his behavior towards the chew toy This is especially important with the German Shepherd breed as they quickly grow into big strong dogs Remove Yourself Calmly If your puppy starts to bite you, during play or any other time, the best solution is to calmly and quietly remove yourself If your puppy has learnt that they can get some attention from you when they bite, they may do it to alleviate boredom Use positive reinforcement and reward the correct behavior with treats Luckily, it only takes a few months for your puppy to have their full set of adult teeth In fact — your puppy will learn that biting during play or cuddles only results in you leaving, and them ending up on their own! Not only will this help to show your puppy that biting is not an acceptable part of playtime, but it can also help your own sanity to remove yourself from those sharp teeth occasionally This can explain why puppies concentrate most of their biting on one family member — the person who gives the most fun response Practice the game: multiple times a day for 2 to 3 minutes at a time Your pup learns impulse control during the game and this transfers over to their ability to stop themselves from biting you Speak to a Behaviorist If you think your puppy is exhibiting aggressive behaviors, such as guarding their resources, you may want to speak to a behaviorist If you are consistent and patient with your methods, you will achieve great results Puppy biting is normal in all breeds, including the German Shepherd

    In another year-long study by the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that using confrontational or aversive methods to teach aggressive dogs did not work


    You will, no doubt, soon get to learn where your dog prefers to be pet This is not only great for chewing but also for playing chase and fetch So, biting from teething is not permanent Use Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement means giving something pleasant to your German Shepherd when they perform what you want them to do so that they learn to associate the correct behavior with the reward Alpha rolling is a controversial and outdated technique that physically puts your dog on his back or side in a submissive position to show that you are dominant or the Alpha You can also throw a few of these toys in the fridge or freezer to cool them down, and this will offer even more relief for your pup when they need it! While there are plenty of techniques to try, we recommend redirection and positive reinforcement Only offer them interaction and come back to them when they show you calming behaviors These toys differ from their special toys mentioned above because these redirection toys are ones you leave out for your pup to chew most of the time They also bite due to their innate herding instinct and strong prey drive Think About Clothing You should also think about the type of clothing you wear around your puppy They also quickly learn that the fun and play stops if they bite their littermates too hard This could be cats, kids, hands, fingers, or just about anything else Many people will have used this method decades ago without success, but at the time, they believed it was the right thing to do For some owners, this may work This makes them extra special But, all that cuteness quickly disappears when the biting phase starts .

    But, all that cuteness quickly disappears when the biting phase starts

     But, all that cuteness quickly disappears when the biting phase starts

    Related Posts Many herding dogs are prone to natural chase instincts Hopefully, we will have the answers to all of your questions in this guide Here are a few of the most common reasons, in a little more detail And, luckily, we have some great tips and tricks to minimize the painful biting period Many children will make lots of noise, especially if a puppy bites them, which can lead to further nipping Be one step ahead of your dog Second, if you try to redirect them to something that they can chew on, most German Shepherd puppies are receptive Start with identifying the root cause and then take the guidance of an expert to set boundaries and train better to eradicate unwanted behavior However, if you train them well, they will remember your commands through associative memory Puppies tend to bite and chew when their teeth are coming in Always use lots of verbal praise in parallel to the reward you choose .

    Use Distractions If you, or young children in your household, are keen to pet your puppy without being bitten, you should make the most of distractions like treats or toys As long as you react to this behavior in the right way, it is a period that will pass Squeaky toys like this toy that continues to squeak , even after a puncture, are ideal to distract your dog from your hand to another object This is one reason why puppies biting children is so common The method is simple German Shepherds need to chew to get some relief from their sore and irritated gums Make sure you have a range of chew toys everywhere and keep them in your pocket at all times so you always have quick access to them when the biting starts Special toys are more fun for your pup to bite than you It can even draw blood Each time your dog should slow down sooner and quicker My German Shepherd puppy loved to nip at my ankles during playtimes

    When you see them slow down, take a few more steps calmly and peacefully

    Exploration Another common explanation for young German Shepherd biting is their natural curiosity The dogs continued to be aggressive until the training methods were changed Herding Instincts The German Shepherd breed has a history as a herding dog Freeze a durable large Kong with their favorite treats and kibble and have them on hand for times when your dog is acting out and biting you Found this helpful? Share it! She has a Bachelor of Science degree, with Honors, and has been training dogs for over a decade After running around and playing with her, if I walk back inside the house, but she wants to carry on playing, she will come up behind me and gently nibble at the back of my ankles .

    After running around and playing with her, if I walk back inside the house, but she wants to carry on playing, she will come up behind me and gently nibble at the back of my ankles

     After running around and playing with her, if I walk back inside the house, but she wants to carry on playing, she will come up behind me and gently nibble at the back of my ankles

    Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links These are the traits that still make German Shepherds great pets today They do this to relieve the pain and help soothe themselves At the end of the time-out, redirect your pup back to play and use lots of verbal praise or offer a training treat for good onward behavior .