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Article created: 11/5/2023

How Long Can A German Shepherd Puppy Be Left Alone

  • Even ten minutes of fetch can keep them feeling entertained
  • German Shepherds are especially loyal and all they want is to spend as much time by your side as possible
  • Even if someone can come over for 15 minutes, it may be enough to keep your dog happy and entertained
  • Even a short minute walk before you leave the house is enough to expend a little bit of energy whilst maintaining your close bond with them
  • When left alone for extended periods of time, they can experience anxiety, stress, and even depression
  • How Long Can A German Shepherd Puppy Be Left Alone Mental stimulation is just as important They may require more consideration than they once did Give them enough food and water before you leave and plenty of exercise Ask visitors to stop by to play with your dog Separation anxiety can also affect German shepherds Separation anxiety can also affect German shepherds. Gate off an area inside your house Restlessness After being forced to lay around all day, a lot of German Shepherds get extremely restless at night and keep their owners up If your dog has to struggle to hold themselves every time you leave, they will be more likely to not want to be left alone Establishing a routine where you talk your dog on a walk , play fetch , go to the dog park, or some other form of exercise before you leave the house makes a big difference Are German Shepherds good with cats? It depends on the cat and its temperament and behavior German Shepherd Lab Puppies For Sale Are German Shepherds good with cats? It depends on the cat and its temperament and behavior. Some dogs bark at people walking by, especially German Shepherds who are very protective dogs .

    Their age, health, and behavior all play a huge role in how long they can be left on their own Some dogs get so bored that they have even been known to chew through drywall to try and escape Symptoms of anxiety are shortness of breath, drooling, pacing, howling, barking, whining, and increased heart rate Just make sure the activity is something that makes your dog exhausted, so if you know your dog still has a lot of energy after walks, you want to find an activity that tires them out more before you leave the house Just make sure the activity is something that makes your dog exhausted, so if you know your dog still has a lot of energy after walks, you want to find an activity that tires them out more before you leave the house. Consider a dog walker or pet sitter Sometimes things come up where we have to leave our dogs for a longer time period, whether it is for work, or some other appointment Hire a Sitter Image Credit: Sam Wordley, Shutterstock Dog sitters or dog walkers are excellent solutions that many owners turn to when they spend their days at work Exercise the dog first to get them tired But there are some rules of thumb that can guide you in your decision on how long they are okay to be alone In general, dogs of opposite sex pairings get along better than dogs of the same sex Black German Shepherd Newborn Puppies In general, dogs of opposite sex pairings get along better than dogs of the same sex. Pain and disability can also give the most stoic dog anxiety when they are alone The key is to pick a place where your dog is limited in what they can stick their noses into, at a nice temperature, and provide someplace comfortable for them to lay like a good dog bed The younger the dog, the less time you should leave them alone German Shepherds are also prone to sensitive stomachs and digestive issues, and older dogs, like humans, need to pee more Currently, it is usually okay to leave them on their own for a few hours Currently, it is usually okay to leave them on their own for a few hours. Check out this recent study from the University of Lincoln, in the UK which states that separation related problems in dogs should be seen as a symptom of underlying frustrations rather than a diagnosis Yes, German Shepherds can be left alone! However, the time a GSD can be left alone will depend on their age Check out the options below to see which is best for you and your dog: Give them enough toys to play with Even ten minutes of fetch can keep them feeling entertained .

    Even ten minutes of fetch can keep them feeling entertained

     Even ten minutes of fetch can keep them feeling entertained

    Gastrointestinal problems German Shepherd Puppy Price 5000 Gastrointestinal problems. Acting like your leaving is no big deal will help you GSD think the same Just be sure to find a reputable one that has cameras so you can keep an eye on how your dog is really doing If you leave your GSD alone for too long, they could suffer from separation anxiety and distress German Shepherds form a strong bond with their owners, so you should only adopt one if you know you can be there for them German Shepherds form a strong bond with their owners, so you should only adopt one if you know you can be there for them. Much of it depends on the temperament of the children and the temperament of the dog This is especially important in places with bears, mountain lions, and other predators Another advantage of crate training is when you take the dog to a boarding facility or to the vet, the dog is less likely to be stressed because they are already used to staying in a kennel or crate Plus, they need a good crate pad to protect their joints, such as an orthopedic one Remember to introduce them to the daycare group as young as possible; they will quickly get used to being left and easily settle German Shepherd Puppy Eyes Remember to introduce them to the daycare group as young as possible; they will quickly get used to being left and easily settle. Despite being able to hold their bladder at this age, they are more likely to act out and howl, trying to get you to come home My German Shepherd Willow all alone enjoying a snooze! There are similar guidelines in the UK where veterinary experts also recommend four hours as the maximum period for all dogs to be left alone Leaving your German Shepherd alone is not a good idea if you live in an apartment They could excessively bark or howl if they become distressed or separation anxiety sets in

    German Shepherds are highly prone to hip and elbow dysplasia which is painful and could get them in dangerous situations

    German Shepherds are highly prone to hip and elbow dysplasia which is painful and could get them in dangerous situations. Leave interactive or chew toys for them .

    The best way to do this is to start off leaving even young puppies sometimes for very short amounts of time How to Leave a Dog Alone Make sure you stay confident and show consistency and patience when you first leave your German Shepherd puppy home alone So, how long can German Shepherds be left alone, legally? Legally, no law specifies exactly how long German Shepherds, and all dog breeds, can be left alone Do German Shepherds shed? Yes, they have a heavy undercoat that requires regular brushing, at least once a week, more often if the dog is blowing its coat What Is Best Food For German Shepherd Puppy Do German Shepherds shed? Yes, they have a heavy undercoat that requires regular brushing, at least once a week, more often if the dog is blowing its coat. German Shepherds are very social dogs and need a job to do, even if that just means interacting with you It might not sound like a big problem, but restlessness causes your German Shepherd to have difficulty sleeping Giving your German Shepherd with a tasty treat helps them to really not care about your leaving So, a three-month-old puppy can be left alone for three hours Various animal neglect and cruelty laws vary by state, but the general rule in North America is that you should not leave dogs alone for more than four hours at a time Various animal neglect and cruelty laws vary by state, but the general rule in North America is that you should not leave dogs alone for more than four hours at a time. However, German Shepherds are social animals, and they love the company of their families A small yard will not be good enough Try to leave four or five of their favorite toys in their crate or wherever you leave your dog during the day Whereas a nine-month-old puppy can be left alone for a full 8-hour workday Are German Shepherds good with children? Most German Shepherds are excellent with children Why Does My German Shepherd Puppy Pant So Much Are German Shepherds good with children? Most German Shepherds are excellent with children. If you leave your dog alone for longer than four hours per day, it will most definitely cause poor results Long-term neglect can also lead to these other physical and mental health problems: Blood pressure and heart disease caused by stress Be calm about leaving Lastly, never make a big deal about your coming and going So, how long can German Shepherds be left by themselves? For puppies, this time period gets even smaller Unless your German Shepherd is constantly barking up a storm, one or two here and there will be perfect for warding off strangers or intruders Unless your German Shepherd is constantly barking up a storm, one or two here and there will be perfect for warding off strangers or intruders. Still, you should limit that time because they are still full of energy .

    This is why so many innocent dogs are abandoned or re-homed Most dogs do fine alone for this amount of time It provides them with enough space, and they are already familiarized with their surroundings — my GSD Willow was two years old before she was allowed to roam freely around the house As soon as you get home, take your German Shepherd for a long walk or, even better, some off-leash running, and play some games such as fetch When Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep Through The Night As soon as you get home, take your German Shepherd for a long walk or, even better, some off-leash running, and play some games such as fetch. You will need to address these extra signs of separation anxiety or distress Things like, do they need more frequent potty breaks, do they get anxious when left alone, are they used to being alone, what is your living situation like, and more, all need to be taken into account Giving them a homey spot to call their own will make them want to go there and be more comfortable while they are alone These options will allow you to leave your dog longer without having to rush home for a potty break This disturbs neighbors, and their lack of entertainment could cause some destruction around the house This disturbs neighbors, and their lack of entertainment could cause some destruction around the house. Do German Shepherds need to be crate trained? It is a good idea to crate train when the dog first arrives in your home Here are a few suggestions to contain your dog inside: Leave them in a dog crate This breaks up the monotony of the day for dogs and ensures that you maintain a close bond with them .

    Walk your dog before and after you go to work

    Try not to leave them alone for more than 2 or 3 hours

    Half German Shepherd Half Rottweiler Puppies For Sale Try not to leave them alone for more than 2 or 3 hours. Their bladders are more developed, and they are a little more mature They are high-energy dogs that thrive on companionship and affection Start by leaving your pup in a safe location and just go into another room for minutes at first This could not only lead to noise complaints but can have serious health implications for your dog German Shepherds are social animals and can experience separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods of time German Shepherds are social animals and can experience separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods of time. We hope you get to spend plenty of time with your wonderful German shepherd Leave enough time before having to leave to walk your dog around a little so they can do both if your German Shepherd takes a little longer to do their business If your GSD has unfortunately developed a problem with excessive chewing , here are 8 steps on how to stop it Also, a tired dog is one that is less likely to get into trouble German Shepherds are especially loyal and all they want is to spend as much time by your side as possible How Much Are Short Haired German Shepherd Puppies German Shepherds are especially loyal and all they want is to spend as much time by your side as possible. .

    German Shepherds are especially loyal and all they want is to spend as much time by your side as possible

     German Shepherds are especially loyal and all they want is to spend as much time by your side as possible

    Get your GSD used to spending time alone early If you get your dog as a puppy, make sure to get them used to being alone immediately Dogs that tear up the house, get into the trash, or chew the furniture are obviously not candidates to be home alone, with free roam of the house They do require lots of attention since they are so loyal and protective If you are thinking about getting a GSD you may be wondering, can German Shepherds be left alone, and for how long? This article will dive into those questions and give you helpful tips for leaving your German Shepherd alone Regular activity and exercise are essential for this energetic, loyal, and protective breed Regular activity and exercise are essential for this energetic, loyal, and protective breed. It would be better if they could take your dog on a long walk, but a quick game of fetch will be more than enough to burn off some energy and curb their loneliness How to Leave a Dog at Home Dogs do well with a consistent schedule and throwing it out of balance could give them expectations that only let them down in the future If they are left for extended periods, they can develop various emotional and physical health issues German Shepherds are known to be loyal and social dogs that can become very attached to their owners Some dogs may have to be put in a crate or confined to an area with dog gates Bernese Mountain Dog German Shepherd Mix Puppy Some dogs may have to be put in a crate or confined to an area with dog gates. Do I need to exercise my German Shepherd? Yes, at the minimum, the dog should be exercised for at least 45 minutes, twice a day This will inevitably cost you time and money to replace Here are some things you should do before leaving your dog alone: Tire your dog out That saying a tired dog is a happy dog is very true when it comes to German Shepherds Use a crate or put up dog gates to confine them .

    When my girl was a puppy I would stuff a Kong with peanut butter, plain yogurt, or some other Kong filler and she would happily lick away without even noticing my departure When my girl was a puppy I would stuff a Kong with peanut butter, plain yogurt, or some other Kong filler and she would happily lick away without even noticing my departure. Set out a lot of toys for physical and mental stimulation Although GSDs can live in apartments they need to be exercised frequently throughout the day Senior dogs can also get anxious more easily, especially when they have vision and hearing loss and have more physical ailments Who do you trust that is available to check in on your dog? Give them a call and make prearrangements, in case you ever need help You can invest in a dog agility course so that your German Shepherd can sprint up and down and enjoy himself without messing up your garden! They come in all shapes and sizes Pure German Shepherd Puppy Signs You can invest in a dog agility course so that your German Shepherd can sprint up and down and enjoy himself without messing up your garden! They come in all shapes and sizes. They are easily bored so if they are left alone for that long, they may start engaging in destructive or problematic behavior such as digging, chewing and barking

    Flexible working is also a great solution, especially if you can start early, avoiding rush-hour traffic and being home quicker in the afternoon

    Final Thoughts German Shepherds are wonderful dogs to own You can also invest in a dog camera, as mentioned above, where you can watch and interact with your dog, all from your smartphone As large energetic dogs need an appropriate amount of space to feel comfortable As large energetic dogs need an appropriate amount of space to feel comfortable. After puppyhood, a healthy dog should be able to manage on their own without a potty break for 4 hours Factors to consider when deciding how long to leave your dog, in addition to age, are training, breed, housing and lifestyle conditions, and whether they have any previous experience of being left alone Even the best-trained puppies will have accidents in their crate, through no fault of their own, when they are left alone longer than that Play calming music if they are prone to separation anxiety If you have a shepherd with anxiety or other behavior problems, you may need to get professional help before leaving them alone How To Train A German Shepherd Puppy To Stay If you have a shepherd with anxiety or other behavior problems, you may need to get professional help before leaving them alone. After all, there are reasons for the recommended guidelines! The best way to find out is to start with trial periods and increase in small increments There will be times when you have to disappoint your shepherd and leave the house to do things like go buy more dog food and toys German Shepherds do not respond well to being left alone for long periods .

    Dog gates allow you to section off various off-limit areas of the house, leaving you to decide how much space your puppy can have to roam around Before bringing any breed home, do your research and make sure that you live a life that suits both of you and is going to give them an interactive and stable environment that keeps them both physically and mentally healthy Before bringing any breed home, do your research and make sure that you live a life that suits both of you and is going to give them an interactive and stable environment that keeps them both physically and mentally healthy. Make sure you leave him enough chew toys to play with, but it will be inevitable sometimes Without it, there are some serious problems that could arise

    Here are some things you should do before leaving your dog alone: Tire your dog out That saying a tired dog is a happy dog is very true when it comes to German Shepherds Dogs that can be left alone know the difference between chewing on their toys and tossing your couch
    Consider a dog walker or pet sitter Sometimes things come up where we have to leave our dogs for a longer time period, whether it is for work, or some other appointment So, a three-month-old puppy can be left alone for three hours
    The best way to do this is to start off leaving even young puppies sometimes for very short amounts of time German Shepherds are very social dogs and need a job to do, even if that just means interacting with you
    After a fun activity, your dog will likely relax and nap so they will be less concerned with you leaving If you leave your dog alone for longer than four hours per day, it will most definitely cause poor results
    Ensure they have an orthopedic bed, such as the Big Barker , that is clinically proven to reduce joint pain and stiffness Not only that, but it will save you money from having to hire a dog sitter or paying a friend every day
    If you have the option of leaving your dog outside when you go to work, it can provide them with tons of space to run around and get some exercise Are German Shepherds good with children? Most German Shepherds are excellent with children
    If you must leave your German Shepherds at home alone, start by ensuring there is nothing dangerous for them to get into Get a dog camera for peace of mind
    Remember to introduce them to the daycare group as young as possible; they will quickly get used to being left and easily settle Symptoms of anxiety are shortness of breath, drooling, pacing, howling, barking, whining, and increased heart rate
    Their age, health, and behavior all play a huge role in how long they can be left on their own Yes, German Shepherds can be left alone! However, the time a GSD can be left alone will depend on their age
    Remain calm! Tips For Leaving Your GSD Alone Here are some helpful tips of things to before leaving your German Shepherds alone to make the process smoother: Make sure they are empty before leaving First, and most obviously, take your dog potty immediately before leaving These cameras are set up around the house
    In addition, keeping a new puppy or even an adult dog in the crate when you cannot provide supervision, will keep them from chewing on items that should not be chewed on Also, try and make sure your pup pees and poops before your leave the house, not just one or the other Similarly, German Shepherd tail positions can tell you a lot as well In general, German Shepherds are great family dogs Health of the Dog Although healthy dogs can easily manage for 4 hours alone, this may not be true when they are sick or hurt Related Posts You May Like: Allow them to take their potty break Plus, there are other things to consider when leaving your pet If you must leave your German Shepherds at home alone, start by ensuring there is nothing dangerous for them to get into Even if someone can come over for 15 minutes, it may be enough to keep your dog happy and entertained .

    Even if someone can come over for 15 minutes, it may be enough to keep your dog happy and entertained

     Even if someone can come over for 15 minutes, it may be enough to keep your dog happy and entertained

    You must never punish your German Shepherd for showing distressing signs of separation anxiety After a fun activity, your dog will likely relax and nap so they will be less concerned with you leaving A dog door that opens into an escape proof dog run or high fenced yard is ideal Getting a second dog is a massive commitment you must consider thoroughly

    Consider leaving your dog in the hands of a doggie daycare center near your home

    Generally, if your German Shepherd is a puppy, they can be left alone for one hour per every month of age Another option is to hire a trusted dog walker to visit your home and take your dog out for a long walk or two Unfortunately, many people are gone for way too long, and their energetic dog breeds start getting into trouble from lack of mental stimulation Another possible solution is to work at home Pay attention to German Shepherd ear positions Before you make any decisions, remember that your German Shepherd will need an adequate amount of room Many of the dogs we rescue from shelters are purebred so we encourage you to meet our available dogs and see if you find one that steals your heart Allow them access to clean fresh water Never come back in the room if your German Shepherd is whining , barking , howling , groaning , or crying because they will learn that doing those things gets you to come back Many experts will tell you that a dog should never be left alone for more than 4 hours .

    Consider letting them roam free throughout the house Our dogs feed off our energy, so if we get all hyped up and make a big fuss every time we leave the house, our German Shepherds will think our leaving is a bigger deal than they should They may also display destructive behavior Not only that, but it will save you money from having to hire a dog sitter or paying a friend every day Dogs are, after all, derived from wolves who are pack animals You can use dog gates to fence off an area to keep them contained Unfortunately, your yard will pay the price and will soon appear like a moon crater! Cons of Inside If your German Shepherd puppy is impatient and super inquisitive, he might start chewing on furniture, the carpet, or other items So, a 3-month-old puppy should not be expected to hold it for more than hours, depending on when they last ate and drank Your dog is not doing these things out of disobedience or spite but because he is trying to cope with being extremely stressed German Shepherds should not be left alone for more than 8 hours a day There are some solutions that you should seriously consider if you want to keep accidents to a minimum .

    As always, please feel free to share with your friends You want to make sure your dog has enough mental stimulation , physical stimulation, and attention and affection on a daily basis You can leave your German Shepherd with toys, music, or the TV to keep them entertained It is important to remember that these are basic guidelines, some dogs maybe can stay home for slightly more or less time depending on how well they can hold themselves When your dog is quiet and calm go back Make sure to properly train your GSD, so this is not an issue or prevent him from accessing those areas of the house It helps to schedule mealtimes around this schedule if they will be indoors A crate is a great safe place to leave your German Shepherd when out of the house, especially for younger more mischievous pups Adolescent German Shepherds Adolescent dogs are anywhere between 6 and 18 months old For puppies, it is easier to house train them using a crate This could mean that they chew on your furniture, eat your shoes, or tear through your carpet Their need for medications, etc

    You can go home and play fetch to prevent your German Shepherd from feeling lonely and provide some fun exercise for them

    This bed is a real bed made for big dogs, is suitable for any age of large breed, and can help prevent arthritis, joint pain, and other mobility issues You and I now know that German Shepherds may become anxious or restless if left outside for too long and start to chew on tree roots, destroy flowers or plants and engage in other destructive behavior Get a dog camera for peace of mind One or two toys might not be sufficient, especially if your dog is easily distracted or gets bored quickly If you know your dog can only hold their bladder for 3 hours, you should make sure you can get back in two and a half hours to be on the safe side If you are concerned about dog hair on the furniture and on your clothes then you should consider adopting a different breed that sheds less German Shepherds are extremely social dogs and they need as much interaction as they can get .

    German Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia which may cause them pain or discomfort There is no avoiding that there will be times when your dog will have to be left alone Doing so will greatly decrease the time they will be able to hold their bladder while you are gone Final Thoughts If you spend 8 hours a day at work without the ability to come home or have someone spend time with your dogs, then you might be better off not having a dog They sleep a lot throughout the day, but their time awake is spent playing and exploring the house This of course is not the answer for everyone but if your pup enjoys the company of other dogs, they may appreciate sharing their day with one Most owners of indoor German Shepherds eventually try this route Training them to behave indoors and outdoors is also beneficial as this helps to keep them socialized and ready to be friendly when you introduce them to other people or dogs German Shepherds that become overly clingy and used to their humans being around are more prone to separation anxiety Even a short minute walk before you leave the house is enough to expend a little bit of energy whilst maintaining your close bond with them .

    Even a short minute walk before you leave the house is enough to expend a little bit of energy whilst maintaining your close bond with them

     Even a short minute walk before you leave the house is enough to expend a little bit of energy whilst maintaining your close bond with them

    As a general rule, German Shepherds can be left alone for one hour for every month of age up to about nine months old Once you have made sure the area where you are leaving them is safe from any hazards, here are some important points to follow: Start off slowly, a few minutes here and there, and build up Dogs that can be left alone know the difference between chewing on their toys and tossing your couch Check out my favorite crates here Keep doing this gradually extending the time by 5-minute increments and start going further than just another room maybe go outside and do some yard work for 20 minutes When you leave them again, they will be tired and will no doubt go back to sleep This large size will be enough for them to move around and stretch out comfortably These cameras are set up around the house They could become extremely restless during the evening However, this should be a gradual build-up Final Thoughts German Shepherds can definitely be left alone, but the time that each individual GSD can be left alone will vary In those times, how long can a German shepherd be left alone? How long dogs can be safely left alone depends on several things Some of these factors include their age, health conditions, and how long they can hold themselves Leave them with a stuffed Kong to keep them occupied A stuffed Kong is a great tool every GSD parent should have in their bag of tricks

    The Animal Welfare Act is a federal law that regulates the treatment of animals, but this only applies to dogs bred for commercial sale and those being transported or imported

    Dogs are pack animals, and they often benefit from having a playmate This also contributes to tiring your dog out, because not only will they be exhausted from the activity you did, they will also be tired from trying to get all the yumminess out of the treat .

    You can talk to them and even shoot out treats all from your phone! They offer a perfect solution to interact with your German Shepherd without being there Crate training is also key for a potty-training German Shepherd because you want them to be safe and not have accidents for the short time you are away Check out my article for more info on German Shepherd Separation Anxiety When you crate train, the dog learns that the crate is their own safe place to go Digging, urinating, or even worse, eliminating can occur Anxiety can also cause them to become destructive and even engage in behaviors that can cause them harm In their perfect world, you would be home with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, days a year Often, they are not as comfortable as they once were while home alone They see you as their pack and need to be part of the family This is especially important for puppies but also a factor for adult and senior dogs When left alone for extended periods of time, they can experience anxiety, stress, and even depression .

    When left alone for extended periods of time, they can experience anxiety, stress, and even depression

     When left alone for extended periods of time, they can experience anxiety, stress, and even depression

    They will often have random bursts of energy throughout the day and night, ruining their sleep cycle and yours in the process! As you can see, all sorts of negative outcomes result from not properly caring for your German Shepherd and failing to keep him happy and entertained Separation Anxiety Dogs are capable of both separation anxiety and depression The crate should never be used as a punishment Although German Shepherds will become capable of holding themselves for an eight-hour day around nine months of age, you should strive to make sure they are getting enough attention, exercise, and engagement from you when you are home to keep your GSD happy and healthy My GSD loved her crate and often went to her special place to rest or chew her favorite toys If you plan on leaving any shepherd alone, they will still need plenty of daily exercise, training, and interaction to be happy and easy to live with The crate simulates a den-like environment which is comforting for the dog Here are a few things to be aware of if you regularly leave your German Shepherd alone for more than four hours: Separation anxiety There are so many wonderful German Shepherds that end up at the shelters through no fault of their own Jan 19, Your German shepherd would tell you that they should never be left home alone Getting another dog might seem extreme, but a buddy might be exactly what your German Shepherd needs to feel more comfortable and less stressed Neglect is just one word to describe leaving your dog outside alone for longer than four hours Senior German Shepherds Senior dogs are usually older than 8 years old and need to be checked on, like adolescent dogs Ensure they have an orthopedic bed, such as the Big Barker , that is clinically proven to reduce joint pain and stiffness Remain calm! Tips For Leaving Your GSD Alone Here are some helpful tips of things to before leaving your German Shepherds alone to make the process smoother: Make sure they are empty before leaving First, and most obviously, take your dog potty immediately before leaving .

    That being said, the limit should never exceed four hours daily This is one of the sad reasons why they are often abandoned, re-homed, or even worse, euthanized Should I go to a breeder to get a German Shepherd? It is a personal choice and a decision you would make based on what you feel is best for your situation

    If you have the option of leaving your dog outside when you go to work, it can provide them with tons of space to run around and get some exercise

    Symptoms could include an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, excessive drooling, pacing, and uncontrollable barking, whining, or howling This is a significant concern for breeds like German Shepherds Bladder infections due to the dog being unable to relieve themselves for hours on end This ruins their sleep cycle and gives them random bursts of energy that also ruins yours in the process Some people have an hour of free time during the workday Senior dogs, however, may begin to need more bathroom breaks before 4 hours Even though they will choose one master, a German Shepherd will bond with each family member differently That being said, we strongly advocate adopting from a shelter or a rescue Yet, plenty of people regularly leave their dogs alone for longer than 4 hours, right? How long you decide your dog is safe to be home alone will depend on how comfortable you are leaving them and their age and overall health status These dogs have a way of communicating with us through their body language Remember, not all German Shepherds are the same, which means that even four hours might be too long For example, a dog that can usually hold themselves for four hours may only be able to hold themselves for three if they drank a lot of water while you were out Older dogs also have sensitive stomachs and digestive issues A bark now and then from your backyard is actually a good thing .