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Article created: 11/5/2023

Stubborn German Shepherd Puppy

  • Not enough mental stimulation German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent breeds and require mental stimulation daily to keep their minds active
  • Too Many Distractions? Add in just one distraction at a time if your dog needs the confidence to follow your commands
  • If you want a happy and obedient German Shepherd, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now
  • Acts hungry even when fed and lingers around you when you fill his bowl
  • Similar to a fearful dog, a discouraged dog may be reluctant to try anything new for fear that he may be punished
  • Starting from your yard, you can give your dog the job of helping in a garden or with yard clean-up
  • Positive reinforcement and reward-based training are generally best and will help your stubborn German Shepherd change their negative association into a positive one
  • Stubborn German Shepherd Puppy Providing high-value rewards and switching things up will also help with a hardheaded German Shepherd who has become bored with the training process If he keeps running up to people or other dogs and barking, perhaps he thinks he is taking control Increase Training Sessions Similar to socialization, if you have previously delayed training your German Shepherd or if training is incomplete, the chances are that the lack of training is a pivotal contributor to his disobedience This details easy ways to go about this and includes how to socialize an older dog or even an aggressive German Shepherd How To Manage This: Start reinforcing previously set anchors with reward How To Manage This: Start reinforcing previously set anchors with reward. Use the time-out at the moment of the stubborn behavior, not after German Shepherd Puppies Dfw How To Manage This: Ignore demand barking or other demanding behavior Instead of allowing your dog to develop bad habits due to boredom and lack of mental stimulation, increase the mental activities and mind games for your German Shepherd Rewarding your doggo with treats is easy; it is in discipline or punishment where most people mess up For example, a dog who refuses to learn new commands and shuts down himself For example, a dog who refuses to learn new commands and shuts down himself. Therefore, it is important to teach your German Shepherd the right way to become a good canine citizen right from the beginning Now, casually walk away from the bowl and busy yourself in the same area with another mundane task He might be considered intimidating with the barking and lunging when approached by strangers Lacking consistency Your training must be consistent or else your dog will become confused When you bestow it upon him during his calmer episodes, he starts recreating the setting When you bestow it upon him during his calmer episodes, he starts recreating the setting. You will notice him sitting in the same place where you patted him or held a similar position German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bakersfield Never, ever, ever call your dog or puppy and then grab them by the collar to reprimand or punish them! Doing this even just once will make your stubborn German Shepherd hate coming when called Things to consider Before trying to get your German Shepherd to be less stubborn it would help to have a good understanding of what might be causing it .

    Final Thoughts Stubbornness can become a huge problem, especially with dogs like German Shepherds Your German Shepherd will also learn that it is acceptable to handle his body and feet, and you will develop trust with your canine buddy as a result Your German Shepherd will also learn that it is acceptable to handle his body and feet, and you will develop trust with your canine buddy as a result. Instead… Focus on teaching your German Shepherd that good behaviors get good rewards Most dogs enjoy being the center of attention It helps to reward them for good behavior, giving them immediate feedback about what they did right and what they did wrong Get on the same page before training even begins However, with delayed or insufficient training and a lack of guidance, they can become asocial and disobedient However, with delayed or insufficient training and a lack of guidance, they can become asocial and disobedient.

    You can make it their job by asking them to retrieve all their toys and drop them in a designated bin

    German Shepherd Puppy Tail Types Chance are they have their bond with each other are much better than with you as the owner Without them, they will become destructive or difficult to handle Provide Varied Mentally Stimulating and Fun Games We have to remember the original purpose of the German Shepherd, which was to herd and protect livestock Certain individual German Shepherds may have a more hardheaded personality at various points of their lives, or if they have experienced the following: Reason 1: Adolescent Stage As with most dogs, German Shepherds who are within the adolescent stage of their lives which generally occurs between 8 to 12 months of age tend to be a little more difficult to work with sometimes Certain individual German Shepherds may have a more hardheaded personality at various points of their lives, or if they have experienced the following: Reason 1: Adolescent Stage As with most dogs, German Shepherds who are within the adolescent stage of their lives which generally occurs between 8 to 12 months of age tend to be a little more difficult to work with sometimes. Your first action should be a visit to your veterinarian to rule out any health issues Related post: Ways to exercise your German Shepherd .

    This would be more likely if you tend to punish your German Shepherd when you tell it to do things or if you only call it when it is time for it to stop playing Let them understand what it is you are asking them to do without being harsh Ensure that its diet is right It could be the case that your German Shepherd has been being stubborn due to something that you have been feeding it Ensure that its diet is right It could be the case that your German Shepherd has been being stubborn due to something that you have been feeding it. When you see your dog perform a behavior you like, reward them! Positive training leads to trust, confident leadership, and sets the ground for future learning Short Haired German Shepherd Puppies Near Me Try using meals for training! Mealtime is a great way to train your dog to listen and pay attention while giving your dog more structure If you have a whole pack of pets, teach your herding dog how to gather the other dogs, and even the cat, around the kitchen for dinner Keeping track of family members Herding is a great job for working breed dogs like the GSD He lunges or jumps up at people, or jumps at you He lunges or jumps up at people, or jumps at you. This is also known as Sibling Syndrome Do you have a stubborn German Shepherd that pushes your nerves? Below are a few training tips to help you train a stubborn German Shepherd When two puppies are placed together, they learn to rely on each other Keep the training sessions to around 5 seconds or less Repeated punishment is a wedge that slowly destroys the dog-owner relationship, sometimes to irreparable conditions Repeated punishment is a wedge that slowly destroys the dog-owner relationship, sometimes to irreparable conditions. Barks at other dogs or pulls on the leash Free German Shepherd Puppies Houston This is the most challenging cause to fix as it requires making the German Shepherd unlearn what he has previously deduced, then training him to behave correctly Give your GSD his favorite toy that you save for rewards If you have a German Shepherd, then you know all about the headstrong personality traits that these dogs possess Use an area of the house, a room with a dog gate, or an exercise pen for young pups Use an area of the house, a room with a dog gate, or an exercise pen for young pups. While German Shepherds are considered a highly intelligent breed they can also experience bouts of stubbornness that really tries your nerves Not enough mental stimulation German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent breeds and require mental stimulation daily to keep their minds active .

    Not enough mental stimulation German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent breeds and require mental stimulation daily to keep their minds active

     Not enough mental stimulation German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent breeds and require mental stimulation daily to keep their minds active

    And he may never reach his or her full potential Playing and Petting: If your dog is not food-motivated, you can reward her with a toy and petting as alternatives And chances are, these toys will sometimes be scattered around the floor And chances are, these toys will sometimes be scattered around the floor. Your German Shepherd, if adopted, may have been bullied by other animals, or had previous negative experiences with people or other animals Black German Shepherd Puppies Las Vegas Something more interesting is distracting them This is perhaps more of an innocent reason for stubborn behavior, but nonetheless still annoying If he keeps digging in your backyard, perhaps he is looking for a job to do for channeling that excessive energy When your German Shepherd has pent-up energy, he might not be in the state to receive commands If your German Shepherd has a medical issue that is contributing to their stubbornness, speak with your vet and research how to live with and train deaf or blind dogs If your German Shepherd has a medical issue that is contributing to their stubbornness, speak with your vet and research how to live with and train deaf or blind dogs. That way, he will soon learn that when he stops barking at you, nice things will happen

    No matter whether your doggo is a pup or an adult, increasing socialization will set your German Shepherd on the right path to becoming a confident, friendly and obedient dog

    Ian Dunbar, a renowned dog behaviorist, uses the Ferrari of dog treats… Freeze dried liver A stubborn German Shepherd usually has a very poor recall and might even ignore you when you call them Acting out is one way German Shepherds like to gain attention, which is reminiscent of teenage children Acting out is one way German Shepherds like to gain attention, which is reminiscent of teenage children. To further motivate your pup, you may also like to have different kinds of treats in one training session German Shepherd Cross Collie Puppies Every dog takes their reward differently, you may need to try them out to see which one works best for your pup Whether on a quiet street or a busy sidewalk, near schools, the local park, or open fields and trails, your German Shepherd learns to listen to your instructions and quickly and happily comply… No matter where they are or the distractions! During your walk stop for a short training session about every 50 feet or so, depending on where you are walking German Shepherds are known to be one of the most intelligent breeds out there, and they are known for being very trainable This would be more likely if it has been showing other signs of being ill and if it has been acting unusually in other ways as well This would be more likely if it has been showing other signs of being ill and if it has been acting unusually in other ways as well. Use high level treats when outside Choose healthy treats, pieces of kibble, or tiny pieces of meat .

    Do this until their entire meal is served This will only teach your best friend that he gets what he wants when he barks for something They are athletic and capable of learning and performing a wide variety of tasks which is one of the primary reasons they are used as police dogs They are athletic and capable of learning and performing a wide variety of tasks which is one of the primary reasons they are used as police dogs. Allow off-leash running in a safe environment German Shepherd Mix With Pitbull Puppies For Sale Please read our full dislcaimer if you have any questions Carting helper Working breeds like Huskies, Mastiffs, and Bernese Mountain Dogs have been trained in carting for a long list of jobs Physical attention But sometimes it can be hard to do without a flock of sheep or other livestock But sometimes it can be hard to do without a flock of sheep or other livestock. If this is not done, your pet not only is exposed to health problems such as obesity and joint-related issues but also behavioral problems, including stubbornness This can be a great bonding experience Like many other working dogs such as the Great Pyrenees , the German Shepherd tends to put their job first and foremost, While this intelligence and trainability make them a great choice for first time dog owners, there are a few situations in which you might see a more stubborn German Shepherd Progressively increase the length of sit-stay or down-stay with each repetition This will look like the dog is being hardheaded, but why would he want to go to someone who previously beat him when he responded the first time albeit a little slowly? German Shepherds are extremely intelligent, and those that have experienced negative or painful things may think twice about responding to an owner This will look like the dog is being hardheaded, but why would he want to go to someone who previously beat him when he responded the first time albeit a little slowly? German Shepherds are extremely intelligent, and those that have experienced negative or painful things may think twice about responding to an owner. When they have done something you asked, praise them with a happy voice and even a big hug, and let them know they have done a good job German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Green Bay Wi For example, you can teach him to bring you your shoes before a walk or carry over his own leash .

    Your dog is the perfect candidate You can pet behind the ears or give a hug Offering your German Shepherd a tasty stuffed Kong a day will help keep the behavior doctor away and give your dog the natural chewing session they need to help keep calm Offering your German Shepherd a tasty stuffed Kong a day will help keep the behavior doctor away and give your dog the natural chewing session they need to help keep calm. Below, I will mention a number of reasons why your German Shepherd might be stubborn and the clues that they might come with The simple task of carrying something can be immensely satisfying to a work-driven dog In this state, you can reinforce restraint-centric anchors I have a great article on how to socialize a German Shepherd from pup to adult Additionally, employing the help of a reputable local dog trainer can help set you up for success and make sure that there is no misunderstanding between you and your pup Additionally, employing the help of a reputable local dog trainer can help set you up for success and make sure that there is no misunderstanding between you and your pup. Or, while watching your favorite TV show during the commercials go over the commands your dog already knows and work on a new one How Long Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep At Night

    Your German Shepherd might not be stubborn… They might need more enrichment and mental stimulation

    Without the proper training… It will only get worse! German Shepherds are VERY smart dogs and do well with a training program that stimulates their minds and can help you succeed at training your dog on your own If your German Shepherd is not currently getting that much exercise then it would likely help to make sure that it does Treats: It works especially well with food-motivated puppies who are always hungry Treats: It works especially well with food-motivated puppies who are always hungry. German Shepherds are prone to sensitive stomachs, and many are not food motivated, unlike the Labrador If it is not currently getting much exercise daily then it would help to give it exercise by walking it, playing fetch with it or getting a dog walker to do it for you However, if you jump straight to the distracting environment then it will likely be challenging to get it to listen to you Verbal praise Rewards definitely help! For German Shepherds who have had a negative experience with training, their owners, something in the environment, or even just the world in general, their stubbornness might be due to their wariness and remembrance of whatever caused the negative association in the first place Rewards definitely help! For German Shepherds who have had a negative experience with training, their owners, something in the environment, or even just the world in general, their stubbornness might be due to their wariness and remembrance of whatever caused the negative association in the first place. Training in quieter, less interesting locations at first helps to build up to training where there are many distractions Red And Black Long Haired German Shepherd Puppies Too Many Distractions? Add in just one distraction at a time if your dog needs the confidence to follow your commands .

    Too Many Distractions? Add in just one distraction at a time if your dog needs the confidence to follow your commands

     Too Many Distractions? Add in just one distraction at a time if your dog needs the confidence to follow your commands

    When it comes to German Shepherds, they are usually far from being considered stubborn dogs And the fact is, you will need to develop a good bond with your dog first — by spending quality time playing with him, walking with him, staying with him, and caring for him Although rarely used in this capacity nowadays, the genetic working trait remains with the breed Although rarely used in this capacity nowadays, the genetic working trait remains with the breed. Why Are German Shepherds Stubborn? There are a variety of possible causes of stubbornness in dogs Many support groups exist to help with these conditions, and once the adjustments are made your German Shepherd will likely show off their enthusiasm for training once again This will keep your puppy looking for more Try to exercise them before working on training commands so they are more calm and able to focus more on their training Dogs are creatures of habit, and providing meals at expected times means listening and obeying you when you call them to eat Dogs are creatures of habit, and providing meals at expected times means listening and obeying you when you call them to eat. As a puppy, your dog will learn that certain behaviors yield positive results, which will help to keep them in check German Shepherd Puppies $500 They may even seem like they are a totally different dog! Many adolescent dogs will not participate in the activities they previously enjoyed, or they may show an indifferent attitude towards their owner , both of which can appear as a stubborn streak To rectify this it would just be necessary to train it again If you want some ideas to play with your dog, try a few of these games for German Shepherds to get started If you scold him, he might feel content for having received your attention If you scold him, he might feel content for having received your attention. Three Types Of Rewards Voice: A happy, lively, and motivating praise is one of the best and easy positive reinforcements you can give your dog Well, this may not be the case These puppies often fail to bond to their human family as strongly as they otherwise would This will give you peace of mind that he will respond to you positively and help curb any bad habits Instead of your dog ignoring you, you now ignore your dog Instead of your dog ignoring you, you now ignore your dog. Frequent or severe punishment is an indication that your training is definitely flawed! Remember, it is much more effective and efficient to reward your dog for doing it the way you consider to be right rather than punishing them for the many ways they do it wrong .

    While dogs primarily rely on visual cues, if you trained your pup using mostly verbal cues, then impaired hearing can still have a noticeable effect on their responsiveness Manage the environment when progressing outside Ignore him when he misbehaves or redirect poor behaviour This would be more likely if it started being stubborn when you punished it This would be more likely if it started being stubborn when you punished it. While the best time to start training your GSD is at 8 weeks old , the next best time is now That is why it is so important to understand the reasons why German Shepherds have stubborn personalities By sufficiently draining this excess energy safely and productively, you can make your German Shepherd more receptive and less stubborn Underlying health issues or pain In more unfortunate circumstances your German shepherd could be dealing with an existing health issue or pain This best-seller gets a crazy amount of good reviews and is widely recommended by almost 60, dog lovers, so it must have something about it This best-seller gets a crazy amount of good reviews and is widely recommended by almost 60, dog lovers, so it must have something about it.

    Make sure all members of your family follow the same rules, commands, and expect the same behavior from your dog

    Be careful using this trick with children, but you can potentially employ your dog to help keep the entire family where you want them If your German Shepherd has any hearing issues, they may respond more slowly or not at all to your cues, and they may also perform a different behavior As your dog gets better and better at their recall, increase the difficulty After all, positive encouragement like praises and hugging can go a long way After all, positive encouragement like praises and hugging can go a long way. Not only does this prevent them from getting exercise, but it can also lead to boredom and behavioral issues If they are a young dog, then it may just be part of their normal growth cycle If you want a happy and obedient German Shepherd, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now .

    If you want a happy and obedient German Shepherd, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now

     If you want a happy and obedient German Shepherd, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now

    Mental enrichment can help calm a stubborn German Shepherd and increase their engagement with you, giving you both less stress in your lives Or, the favorite of many dog owners, a stuffed Kong for extreme chewing Or, the favorite of many dog owners, a stuffed Kong for extreme chewing. It is simple yet incredibly powerful Your German Shepherd will soon pick things up and catch up Most puppies will try to please their owners You can also enlist the help of a professional trainer as they will be experienced in training stubborn dogs and improving obedience This depends on the underlying reason why our German Shepherd is displaying a stubborn streak This depends on the underlying reason why our German Shepherd is displaying a stubborn streak. That said, you must not wait until the dog is in his most agitated state before you take him out, as that would associate acting up with freedom, and he will almost always act out to be taken for walks or playtimes Work up to harder situations and have them focus in different environments Try to use positive commands and tell them firmly what you want them to do or eat, without making it sound like an order This will keep your dog continually focused and interested You must include basic training from the moment your dog comes to live with you, no matter their age You must include basic training from the moment your dog comes to live with you, no matter their age. Mixed reactions, command words, and behaviors will take your dog far longer to learn than consistent commands with expected actions Start recall training in an area with few distractions and your dog on their long leash a 20 to a foot long line is common for this type of training Instead, ignore the demand barking, and at the precise moment he becomes quiet, quickly reward him with a treat .

    Integrate Training into Your Everyday Lifestyle Even your usual routine can include many training opportunities Every evening around 8 pm, my German Shepherd will sit in front of me and give me the stare! I love this toy, and dogs enjoy finding the treats in the puzzle toy, which keeps them busy for ages Every evening around 8 pm, my German Shepherd will sit in front of me and give me the stare! I love this toy, and dogs enjoy finding the treats in the puzzle toy, which keeps them busy for ages. In that same vein, dogs who are losing their vision may also differ in their responsiveness to cues A long lead also called a long line or check cord is a secure training line that allows your dog space to roam while keeping them safe and letting you stay in control of their recall You can look here to see what you should or should not be feeding it And most people thought a pup would understand every single word they said right off the bat This means that you will always create a situation where the dog will naturally seek to do what you want This means that you will always create a situation where the dog will naturally seek to do what you want. Related Posts You May Like: Generally, it is recommended for them to get an hour of exercise per day Reason 4: Poor Training Foundation While easy to train , German Shepherds still require a good training foundation just as any other breed does Unfortunately, it is also often ignored Typically, if something is wrong with your GSD there will be multiple indicators happening at once Typically, if something is wrong with your GSD there will be multiple indicators happening at once. .

    Focus and attention are skills that a dog has to learn Dogs dealing with a health issue or chronic pain will react in a range of ways, but disobedience and defiance is one of the most common Instead, it would help to train it in an easy environment and then to build up to one where there are distractions Dogs just enjoy chewing References and Resources References and Resources.

    You can train it using some of the tips mentioned below

    In addition to that, it would also help to start out by getting it to do things that are easier and then to build up to getting it to do things that are more challenging They tend to want to please their owners, and usually do their best to try and achieve their goals German Shepherds are high-energy dogs, and adults need at least hours of daily exercise Use the following techniques to get your stubborn dog to listen Use the following techniques to get your stubborn dog to listen. This speaks to the importance of patience; the more patient you are, the more your German Shepherd values positive attention As they age and exit the adolescent stage , there is usually a reduction in this behavior and they become a little easier to work with…depending on the individual dog, of course! While German Shepherd puppies may still pick up on things quicker than some other puppies, you should still cut them some slack while they are learning something new! Reason 2: Boredom German Shepherds are highly intelligent, and if they do not receive enough mental or physical stimulation, they can become bored and frustrated If you want a dog that is quick to return to you, then use this easy 5 step system to get a perfect recall from your GSD … every time you want! Take Advantage of Fun Games and Play Using games to train your dog can reduce stubbornness and improve their listening skills and, games are fun and less stressful for both of you For example, if a German Shepherd was learning a recall and did not respond right away and their owner chased them down and yelled and smacked them for not coming when called, then the next time the owner asks them to come when called the German Shepherd might refuse to do so out of fear One of the puppies always becomes shy, increasingly withdrawn and introverted
    Brushing is relaxing and beneficial to the skin and hair If you are unsure of what food to get for your German Shepherd, consider getting dog food designed specifically for German Shepherds
    How to get your German Shepherd to be less stubborn There are a number of things that you can do to get your German Shepherd to be less stubborn that I will mention below When two puppies are placed together, they learn to rely on each other
    Below, I will mention a number of reasons why your German Shepherd might be stubborn and the clues that they might come with Focus and attention are skills that a dog has to learn
    It might be tempting to pet him then, but you have to be patient, or you will confuse the dog Certain individual German Shepherds may have a more hardheaded personality at various points of their lives, or if they have experienced the following: Reason 1: Adolescent Stage As with most dogs, German Shepherds who are within the adolescent stage of their lives which generally occurs between 8 to 12 months of age tend to be a little more difficult to work with sometimes
    You can make it their job by asking them to retrieve all their toys and drop them in a designated bin Playing and Petting: If your dog is not food-motivated, you can reward her with a toy and petting as alternatives
    He might not intend to ignore you deliberately, so this is where you need to get him to focus his attention on you Chance are they have their bond with each other are much better than with you as the owner
    If your German Shepherd is not currently getting that much exercise then it would likely help to make sure that it does Mental enrichment can help calm a stubborn German Shepherd and increase their engagement with you, giving you both less stress in your lives
    Keep trying a variety of treats until you find one that your dog would basically sell its soul for Let me know if your German shepherd is acting stubborn
    Avoid negative reinforcement Negative reinforcement training is where you reward your German Shepherd when it behaves in a way that you do not want it to Acting out is one way German Shepherds like to gain attention, which is reminiscent of teenage children
    Additionally, employing the help of a reputable local dog trainer can help set you up for success and make sure that there is no misunderstanding between you and your pup Instead, prevent it in the first place
    While working dogs may be more tolerant of this type of training method, most German Shepherds do much better when the training is done at their pace and focuses on allowing the dog to work out the problem rather than using pain and punishment to force them to do something After all, GSDs are bred to be working dogs, and they are best known for their herding, guarding, scenting, and retrieving abilities When they start to mature, they may begin fighting with one another, often quite severely Acts hungry even when fed and lingers around you when you fill his bowl .

    Acts hungry even when fed and lingers around you when you fill his bowl

     Acts hungry even when fed and lingers around you when you fill his bowl

    Play hide and seek with your GSD You can get the first month free using This link For example, before calling them back in, go outside and interact with them for 5 or 10 minutes… After a while head closer to the door and encourage them inside Every time you stop and ask for the sit and they give the appropriate behavior, resuming the walk is the reward for sitting Stubbornness may also be brought on by adolescence and sexual maturity, which is expected in a growing German Shepherd puppy and does lessen as they mature Fortunately, with enough patience, firmness, and positive reinforcement training alongside increased exercise time and stimulation, any German Shepherd can be brought back into the socially acceptable circle of obedient dogs The latter only associates obedience with punishment For example, if your dog can perform commands near the park without children, but has issues listening to you when kids are playing, step away from the noise and work your way toward getting closer to it slowly Provide lots of positive encouragement Positive reinforcement is the key to helping your dog become less stubborn Why is my German Shepherd so stubborn? Eliminate poor practices from your routine to help you train a stubborn German Shepherd .

    What Is Stubbornness? Stubbornness in dogs is a personality trait that is characterized by an unwillingness to change their minds, even after being shown evidence that their initial judgment might be incorrect If you witness physical symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or food refusal then its important to speak to your vet as soon as possible You need to teach your German Shepherd to follow your commands — or ground himself Miscommunication from the owner can also cause a German Shepherd to appear stubborn, and they may just stare at you and wait to see if you clear it up or not This gorgeous pup is only 5 months old and is learning to focus on the trainer in a controlled outside environment Follow a Training and Feeding Schedule Having a schedule provides structure and discipline and teaches your pup that you are the leader If you ask your dog to perform a simple body-position sequence on these occasions, you will easily train your German Shepherd over fifty times a day… All without deviating from your normal lifestyle! With total integration of training into your daily lifestyle and routine, your dog sees they are expected to participate in your life and look forward to engaging with you to earn those tasty rewards Bon is a dog lover and a blogger Often, inexperienced owners just need to be taught what to do After a few seconds, release them to sniff again and repeat the sequence Be patient It is unlikely that you will be able to get your German Shepherd to behave exactly the way that you want it to with just one training session .

    With this type of reinforcement your dog will soon follow you like a shadow, ever willing to please Train it to do the things that you want The first thing to do is to take the time to train it to behave the way that you want it to Wait until he mimics the actual calmness you want to reward, then use reinforcement by giving him attention, affection, and treats The good news is, there is more than one way to make your dog less stubborn

    For example, if it only comes when it is getting fed then it would be necessary to train it to come at different times as well

    A GSD that is calm and content will be more than happy to obey your commands the second your give them If you have not taken the time to train your German Shepherd then taking the time to do so will likely help a lot in getting it to be less stubborn Key Takeaways German Shepherds are socially intelligent dogs Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques Positive reinforcement, also known as rewards-based training, implies giving a reward to increase the frequency of the response Most breeders recommend teaching dogs a variety of commands as early as eight weeks old However, certain instances can lead to stubborn streaks Keep trying a variety of treats until you find one that your dog would basically sell its soul for If you are unsure of what food to get for your German Shepherd, consider getting dog food designed specifically for German Shepherds Check it out! Reinforcement of stubborn behavior Wait, what? While this may work in some cases, the ultimate lesson from this is that your GSD has just learned that refusing your command at first, leads to good things shortly after For example: If you scold your dog for jumping on you, but not your guest your dog learns that jumping is still OK on some people Extend your allocated time to focus on your dog You can read about how to use positive reinforcement training to get your German Shepherd to come on command here And they e Similar to a fearful dog, a discouraged dog may be reluctant to try anything new for fear that he may be punished .

    Similar to a fearful dog, a discouraged dog may be reluctant to try anything new for fear that he may be punished

     Similar to a fearful dog, a discouraged dog may be reluctant to try anything new for fear that he may be punished

    Boredom can increase stubbornness in a smart working breed Include brain games, nose work, and giving them a job at home to make sure their minds stay occupied and challenged You should also stick to a feeding schedule If you tend to give your German Shepherd things that it wants when it is stubborn then it could be the case that it has learned that being stubborn gets it things that it wants There are a number of things that you can consider but I will mention a couple of more useful things below He loves spending time with dogs more than with humans They need a job to do and thrive off pleasing their owner, which is why they are used in law enforcement, search and rescue, and as service dogs today Due to their history as working dogs , the German Shepherd is well known as being an easy to train dog that is quick to learn The happier your doggo is, the less stubborn he will be when it comes to obeying you Gets irritated with anything associated with your departure picking up keys, the doorbell, and even specific words Or you can just give her a warm pet after praising her, which is something almost all dogs are fond of They might not seem to be a big help for your routine, but it could certainly let your GSD thrive! Here are a few jobs in the house that you can let your GSD do for you .

    Other than being the one to feed them and play with them, ensure you train, brush, bathe, talk, and engage with them Chewing has several functions, including providing pain relief for teething pups, keeping teeth clean and jaws strong in older dogs, and relieving boredom They are less likely to follow your command before trusting you In addition to essential exercise for your German Shepherds to stay obedient, he also needs to be mentally stimulated, which brings me to the next solution Identify Stubborn Behavior One way to identify stubborn behavior is to figure out the root cause What to teach your stubborn German Shepherd daily? Call your dog for a body position sequence down-sit-stay or another combination every time you open the fridge or send an email Attending obedience classes solves this knowledge gap and creates an opportunity to increase socialization, so you kill two birds with one stone This is important because he needs time to learn how to behave like a good dog If your German Shepherd is stubborn when there are distractions then consider beginning their training in quieter locations and avoid jumping straight into busy environments

    When you go hiking or on a walk, strap a backpack onto your dog and let him carry his own water and treats

    Simply put, it refers to the fact that a dog continues to act as they wish and will never listen regardless of punishment or reward Instead, it would help to train it to behave the way that you want it to and to reward it for behaving in that way We go to great lengths to help users better understand their pets; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance When they do not get so much exercise it can cause them to develop behavioral issues You will find him training himself for the next marathon when he is not writing But not only does regular brushing help to control and reduce shedding , but it also helps to increase bonding between you and your pet Treat-Based Training is Great! The training reinforcer MUST be a great one, such as real meat However, if you continue to train it consistently then it will be much more likely to learn to behave the way that you want it to Considering the following ways to help your German Shepherd to be less stubborn by eliminating these poor practices from your daily routine .

    Increase socialization opportunities Check out this excellent video on how to train a German Shepherd with distractions Keep a bit of treat in your pocket or use a small treat bag that attaches to your waistband He might not intend to ignore you deliberately, so this is where you need to get him to focus his attention on you Choose something like the KONG variety of chew toys Truthfully, however, if sufficient training has been put in, your GSD should still be inclined to listen to your commands even if there are other distractions present Start off with not too many distractions They do not want to be told what to do by their human companions How to get your German Shepherd to be less stubborn There are a number of things that you can do to get your German Shepherd to be less stubborn that I will mention below Instead, prevent it in the first place Brush your German Shepherd times a week However, it would also help to consider what else happened at around the same time that it stopped listening to you You can purchase other games and increase the difficulty as they become quicker at earning their treats through playing What to do if my German Shepherd is Stubborn? Stubbornness can also present itself as an inflexible attitude when it comes to training It might be tempting to pet him then, but you have to be patient, or you will confuse the dog This entails going back to training in a distraction-free setting Consistent daily training Training your GSD on a daily basis will not only increase their skills and ability to carry out commands, but it will reduce bad behavior, defiance, and stubbornness Give them the treat and praise them while holding their collar or harness gently in your hands Use Brief and Effective Time-Outs When training a stubborn German Shepherd, one of the most crucial steps is teaching your dog to accept time-outs Starting from your yard, you can give your dog the job of helping in a garden or with yard clean-up .

    Starting from your yard, you can give your dog the job of helping in a garden or with yard clean-up

     Starting from your yard, you can give your dog the job of helping in a garden or with yard clean-up

    Time-outs should be around 60 seconds for young puppies to minutes for older dogs

    You should socialize a German Shepherd at 8 weeks old, which is usually when you bring your puppy home You can do this by using positive reinforcement training by teaching it easy commands in an easy environment and then by building up to more challenging ones Never bow down pardon the pun to any form of demanding behavior, especially demand barking For example, have your dog sit or perform a down before you throw a toy or ball and before you take it back Training a stubborn GSD requires an approach that rewards good behaviors and ignores unwanted behaviors We will first list out some of the most common reasons when it comes to German Shepherds It can be a tennis ball or a frisbee When it started being stubborn It would help to consider if it used to listen to you but it stopped doing so suddenly One way to build your bond is to simply interact and engage with your dog more .

    Tidying up their toys If you love to spoil your beloved pet pal, he always has toys around the house Then we will provide suggestions to tackle their stubbornness later in this article They need games and play! You need to make yourself exciting, fun, and a pleasure for your dog to be around! What to train during play and games? Everything you teach is a gentle lesson, not a reprimand or correction Go here to find out the best grooming tools for German Shepherds and the ones I use If a dog is allowed to get away with certain things, then he will eventually begin to think that the way they are treating you is acceptable This has the everlasting effect of reducing his stubbornness when you need to clip his nails or he needs to be handled by the vet This will prevent your dog from becoming too stubborn to learn Shortening training sessions and being more patient with the process will help encourage learning but avoid overwhelming your pup and potentially causing them to shut down and refuse to work with you There are lots of options for a chew session for your dog, such as a crunchy pig ear chew that helps to reduce plaque and keep their teeth clean But, this will not be the case for everyone Not meeting their energy needs A tired dog is a happy and trainable dog It might be that he wants that extra treat or wants to climb on the couch If you have a young pup and need some ideas, you can check out this article, 7 Fun Ways to Exercise a German Shepherd Puppy You can even learn how to train your stubborn German Shepherd from the convenience of your home Once your dog understands the basis of the game, you can teach him to find and fetch all kinds of objects However, without proper training or socialization, GSDs can become too aggressive and dangerous Closing Thoughts In most cases, the German Shepherd is not considered a stubborn breed of dog and they are often one of the easiest breeds to train and work with which makes them a great choice for first time dog owners Always have a super tasty reward for them when they come to you to solidify the recall .

    The trick here is in the timing For reference, an adult German Shepherd should have at least 1 hour of exercise per day Getting a calm and content GSD is all about providing a great daily routine with everything they need particularly their stimulation needs Rewarding your German Shepherd for good behavior is an underrated tool in your dog-training arsenal This is why it is important to continue to train it to behave how you want it to so that it continues to behave that way German Shepherds can be stubborn at times because they have high levels of intelligence Your breeder would have already begun early socialization from 3 weeks, so you should now continue the process of exposing your pup to a range of sights, smells, sounds, and interactions with people and other dogs Give it exercise As mentioned earlier it is important to make sure that your German Shepherd is getting enough exercise

    As your dog begins to watch you, slowly walk over and place another handful of food in their dish

    Your dog will probably look at you with disbelief or wonder as they eat their small portion and look at you for more food This is why it is important to have patience when training your German Shepherd Play fetch or frisbee Increase Socialization If you have previously delayed socializing your German Shepherd, the chances are that the lack of socialization is a key contributor to his disobedience This is especially true if your pup used to be very responsive but then they started to ignore cues or took longer to respond to you Remember that you are responsible for knowing how to train a stubborn German Shepherd and to develop their impressionable canine brain into a smart, intelligent companion Give clear commands Next, you need to be firm with what you want your dog to do Avoid negative reinforcement Negative reinforcement training is where you reward your German Shepherd when it behaves in a way that you do not want it to This would be more likely if it started being stubborn when you started feeding it something different To avoid this, it is imperative that you be very clear with them .

    Use longer distances to call them back and slowly change up the places that you practice to include more distractions As they turn to look at you call them and take some steps backward to encourage them to return to you quickly Additionally, NotABully Not only does your German Shepherd need to learn that he should listen to you, but he must also find out what listening to you entails Getting stuff All dogs use all their senses to track down items and even people They may behave differently or show disobedience when feeling stressed from illness, poor health, or other types of pain Just like a human teenager! During this period of their lives, German Shepherds tend to become more curious about the world around them and they start to test boundaries All small actions like this will ultimately create a better bond and help establish you as their clear leader Why is My German Shepherd Disobedient? Sprints back and forth across short distances Thanks for reading! Back to more German shepherd articles Positive reinforcement and reward-based training are generally best and will help your stubborn German Shepherd change their negative association into a positive one .

    Positive reinforcement and reward-based training are generally best and will help your stubborn German Shepherd change their negative association into a positive one

     Positive reinforcement and reward-based training are generally best and will help your stubborn German Shepherd change their negative association into a positive one

    Your German Shepherd must also learn his position German Shepherds need to know what their role in the family is For German Shepherds who have a poor training foundation, the stubbornness may be difficult to work with in the beginning but once they understand what is required of them the process usually speeds up quite a bit Play in a distraction-free setting So now the tide is turned Deafness either partial or full can cause a change in reaction from your dog Avoid situations that trigger stubbornness A classic example of this is calling your GSD back inside from the door But what if the chewing becomes destructive? Providing your dog with a chewing outlet, such as various interesting chew toys, will stop many German Shepherd behavior problems Sometimes a dog may need a combination of one or two Just as we humans must learn how to navigate our own schooling and education, so must dogs learn how training works and what is expected of them in the training process My 2 German Shepherds and 1 Siberian Husky mix keep my busy, along with my 8 cats I am also a crazy cat lady and my axolotl Fin Diesel he's all about family Having a feeding schedule also prevents your German Shepherd from becoming a fussy eater Try dedicating minutes to basic command training, and see how your GSDs behavior improves over the course of weeks This is a much better approach than simply calling your GSD from the door Rewards can be: Treats While this can vary based on the level of vision loss and how quickly the dog is able to become accustomed to the loss of vision, there might still be some delays that appear as stubbornness but are really due to the dog not seeing the cue

    Did you know that chewing is natural for your dog and helps them to reduce stress and pent-up energy? Your stubborn German Shepherd needs time each day to help release some of this energy so they are better able to pay attention and listen to you at other times

    An overprotected dog would basically be unwilling to explore anything new, be it a new trick or a new treat .

    So, what do I mean by a time-out? A time-out is a type of negative punishment in which we deprive the dog of what they enjoy, in this case, social engagement Let me know if your German shepherd is acting stubborn Adult German Shepherds who did not receive any training as puppies or young adolescents, they may seem more resistant and stubborn with the training process once an owner finally attempts to train them in a more formal fashion This behavior of your dog will persist if left unchecked When you use your walks for training and have many short training sessions during their walk, your dog learns that every single session is in a different setting with different distractions Addressing the miscommunication will usually help clear up the seemingly stubborn response So, if your dog has jumped up on you a lot lately, have you given him too much food? Did you find a new snack and he thinks he should get it all the time? If he chews up your slippers or, more frequently, your shoes, perhaps he feels neglected The whole point of living with a working breed is to engage with them in a harmonious relationship and to enjoy their company Stubbornness in dogs, as they know it, is a bit different than our definition of stubbornness Brushing is relaxing and beneficial to the skin and hair Once your dog picks up on the routine, include short sequences of body position changes, for example, sit-down-sit, sit-down-stand, down-sit-stand, or any other number of positions your dog knows This pent-up energy can express itself as stubbornness in training, and can show up as the dog ignoring cues, redirecting their energy and focus zoomies, grabbing at the leash, etc Interact with your German shepherd more Simply improving your bond with your German shepherd can also work wonders when it comes to their obedience and willingness to listen to you .